Rates, Fees and Charges
Industrial waste, like all types of waste, can seriously damage the environment if not properly treated. Our Pretreatment Department permits and inspects more than 100 industries in the Greenville area to ensure all parties contributing wastewater to ReWa's publicly-owned Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF) remain compliant with state and federal laws.
Our rates enable us to provide quality service to more than 150,000 customer accounts, in addition to managing 430 miles of pipe and operating nine water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs). We don’t receive funds from local or state taxes, which means all our expenses are funded through a combination of user fees, state revolving loans and revenue debt.
Customer rates support our daily work in expanding the system’s capacity to meet economic demand, rehabilitate and replace aged sections of our current system and continually make system improvements to meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations.
We work hard to ensure our region receives the highest quality of water at the most competitive price. The charts below outlines monthly charges for each of our customers.
Retail sewer collection lines connect the customer’s service lateral to ReWa’s trunk lines. If ReWa owns and maintains the retail sewer collection lines, then the following monthly charges will apply.
Our Board of Commissioners periodically review these requirements and consider modifications to existing rates. This allows us to protect our investment in water resource recovery infrastructure in consideration of ratepayer affordability.
For more information, call Customer Service at 864-299-4000.
Residential Customers
Looking for residential rates? You can find more information regarding residential customer rates, fees and charges here.
New Account Fees
We work hard to ensure our rate programs remain responsible, progressive and flexible to meet the everyday needs of our growing community.