Doing Business with ReWa
Our Purchasing Department is responsible for acquiring the materials, supplies, equipment and services necessary for ReWa’s day-to-day operations.
The department works hard to ensure every purchase is conducted in a legal, ethical and professional manner in compliance with the ReWa Procurement Code and best practices of the procurement profession.
Get an idea of what ReWa expects from suppliers, consultants and bidders. Download our vendor guide.
Vendor Registration
All vendors wishing to receive bid alert notices or participate in ReWa solicitations must register in the ReWa PlanetBids Vendor Portal. To register as a ReWa vendor, access ReWa PlanetBids Portal.
Purchase Process
The following terms and conditions are incorporated into, and made a part of, all Purchase Orders (“POs”) issued by, or originating from ReWa, for any and all goods or services purchased or requested by ReWa.
The Procurement Code outlines our responsibility to ensure quality in all aspects of ReWa’s procurement procedures.
Formal invitations for bids, request for proposals and request for qualifications are advertised in South Carolina Business Opportunities (SCBO) and listed on the ReWa PlanetBids Portal. To receive ReWa automatic announcements and to download solicitations, please visit the ReWa PlanetBids Portal.
Surplus Property
Any extra property items that no longer fit our agency’s needs are offered through public auction or sealed bids. Auctions or bids are advertised in SCBO and posted on GovDeals.