Upholding the Highest Standards for Clean Water
Our treatment process allows us to clean over 40 million gallons of wastewater per day and safely introduce clean, re-usable water back into the environment. This process preserves the beauty of our waterways, the purity of our streams and the integrity of our infrastructure. All in the name of advancing the quality of life in our region.
Treatment Process
Industrial and commercial waste, like all types of waste, can seriously damage the environment if not treated or properly disposed. Our Pretreatment Department provides environmental regulatory oversight to more than 100 industrial customers and 1,700 foodservice establishments in the greater Greenville area.
We work hard to ensure all parties contributing wastewater to ReWa’s Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) remain compliant with local state and federal laws.
Inflow + Infiltration
It’s important to manage Inflow and Infiltration (I&I), which occurs when rainwater and groundwater enter the sewer system. I&I dramatically increases the water flow entering our facilities and can place a strain on the system, resulting in overflowing manholes.
By removing extra water from the collections system, we can:
- Ensure a clean environment for future generations
- Decrease the need to build new Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF)
- Reduce the potential for sanitary sewer overflows
Strategic Plan
Thinking about the next five years … and beyond
Greenville is growing at an unprecedented rate and we work hard to ensure the region is ready for that growth. Named a Utility of the Future by National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), we’re committed to enhancing our area’s quality of life through the quality of our waterways.
With our strategic plan, we’ve outline clear, intentional goals to ensure our facilities are operating at an unmatched level of excellence for next the five years and beyond.
Capital Improvements
Greenville is growing at an unprecedented rate and we work hard to ensure the region is ready for that growth.
Annual Reports
We’ve been serving this region for almost 100 years. Click below to view our financial statements and annual reports.
We've got the regulatory documents you need.
Questions? Call the ReWa Pretreatment Department at (864) 299-4000 ext. 222.