Financial Information

Moody’s Investors Service Bond Ratings

Moody’s Investors Service has assigned an Aa1 rating to ReWa. Moody's has also affirmed the Aa1 rating on ReWa's outstanding publicly issued senior lien and junior lien bonds.

The Aa1 rating reflects ReWa’s well-managed financial position and the continued growth of Greenville’s economy. The Aa1 rating should allow ReWa to obtain lower interest rates on future borrowings.

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services Bond Ratings

On September 18, 2018, Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings raised its rating on Renewable Water Resources (ReWa), S.C.'s subordinate-lien revenue debt two notches to AAA from AA. At the same time, S&P assigned the AAA rating to ReWa's series 2018A sewer system revenue bonds. In addition, they raised the rating to AAA from AA+ on ReWa's senior-lien debt. The outlook is stable.

The upgrades reflect S&P’s opinion of ReWa's strong conservative management that has produced historically strong financial performance, and effectively managed the system's assets while dealing with an increasing customer base.