Help to Community (H2C)
In 2019, we partnered with the Salvation Army of Greenville to launch our H2C Program which offers qualifying customers temporary financial support in paying for wastewater services.
The benefits of this program are explained below.
United Way contributions
ReWa contributes to the United Way of Greenville County's "Keep the Lights On" program, which has assisted thousands of families with utility and rental assistance in recent years.
Program Opportunities
Our Customer Financial Assistance Program is managed by the Salvation Army and designed to provide temporary financial assistance to eligible ReWa and Greenville Water customers. In this program, the Salvation Army works with our customers to pay outstanding water bills and restore wastewater services. The Salvation Army also offers budget and life skill training to equip customers enrolled in this program with financial management skills for the future.
Interested in our Customer Financial Assistance program? Call the Greenville Salvation Army at 864-235–4803 to speak to an associate about enrollment.
*The continuation of this offering is evaluated by ReWa on an annual basis.
The Affordable Housing New Account Fee uses grant funds to reimburse ReWa’s current New Account Fee by 50% for housing identified as “affordable” by either the Greenville County Redevelopment Authority or the Greenville Community Development Division of the City of Greenville.
For 2024, we’ve authorized grant funds for 100 qualifying affordable housing units in both Greenville County and the City of Greenville.
*The continuation of this offering is evaluated by ReWa on an annual basis.
Six-Month Savings

ReWa’s Six-Month Savings Program is a cost-saving program for residential customers, in which customers are automatically enrolled each year.
During the warmer summer months, there is an increase in outside water use (i.e. irrigation, swimming pools, etc.). However, most outside water use does not enter the sewer system and therefore does not require wastewater treatment. ReWa’s Six-Month Savings Program offers customers a way to reduce wastewater treatment charges associated with outside water use. The six-month savings period begins after meters are read in April and ends when meters are read in October.
For more information about the ReWa Six-Month Savings Program, please call Customer Service at 864-299-4000.
Rates, Fees & Charges

Our rates enable us to provide quality service to more than 150,000 customer accounts, in addition to managing 430 miles of pipe and operating nine water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs). We don’t receive funds from local or state taxes, which means all our expenses are funded through a combination of user fees, state-revolving loans and revenue debt.